Research Centres and Partner Laboratories

Departmental Research Centres
The Center aims, through its activity programs, to pursue the following objectives:
- Contribute to the development of digitalization in healthcare and medical research, particularly in the technological evolution related to diagnostic imaging.
- Promote cooperation and scientific exchange among scholars, both Italian and foreign, specialized in molecular imaging and digital pathology.
- Develop, through a multidisciplinary approach, computational imaging studies, with particular attention to artificial intelligence (AI) applications and advanced computational and biostatistical methods.
Center Director: Prof. Fabio Pagni
The centre promotes and coordinates research for the characterisation and development of innovative therapies for the treatment of severe mental disorders by involving different expertise within the university.
Administrative headquarters: University of Milano-Bicocca, School of Medicine and Surgery, Via Cadore 48, 20900 Monza (MB)
Director: Prof. Massimo Clerici
The Centre has the following aims:
1) support the provision of highly specialised educational courses dedicated to students and professionals in the international health field
through incoming and outgoing mobility programmes, in particular aimed at low and medium income per capita countries (LMICs);
2) contribute to the training of professionals with specific expertise in international health cooperation
3) improve the health status and access to care of the paediatric population according to the principle of equity and the diagnostic and therapeutic capacity in the haemato-oncological field through a knowledge-sharing approach, methodology and organisational skills;
4) reduce the scientific isolation of LMICs through the application of evidence-based medicine, participation in international congresses and the writing of scientific articles;
5) foster the sustainable development of projects according to the capacity-building methodology, a process through which organisations and
Director: Prof. Andrea Biondi
The International Centre for Digestive Health (ICDH) is a research network dedicated to understanding the fundamental mechanisms of the diseases of the digestive system and investigating new possibilities for treatment and prevention by acting on disease-specific pathophysiological mechanisms, as well as on lifestyles, nutrition and chemoprevention.
Administrative headquarters: Building U-8, University of Milano-Bicocca, Via Cadore 48, 20900 Monza (MB) Accredited Clinical Microbiology and Virology Laboratory of Milano-Bicocca, School of Medicine and Surgery, Via Cadore 48, 20900 Monza (MB)
Director: Prof. Clementina Cocuzza
The Centre has the following objectives
- Contribute to the development of research activities, both clinical and preclinical, aimed at identifying new diagnostic and therapeutic new diagnostic and therapeutic modalities in the treatment of glioblastoma. The objectives are both the identification of new biomarkers for early diagnosis and patient follow-up by liquid biopsy and the development and characterisation of new drugs.
- Development of a synergistic network with pharmaceutical companies to activate clinical and pre-clinical studies in order to and to identify new effective therapies against glioblastoma.
- To promote collaboration and scientific exchange between Italian and foreign scientists involved in the study of glioblastoma.
Director: Prof. Angela Bentivegna
Interdepartmental Research Centres
The Interdepartmental Centre “BICOCCA BIOINFORMATICS BIOSTATISTICS AND BIOIMAGING CENTRE - B4” aims to bring together in a single University facility the skills, the methodologies and the computational capacities required to meet the challenges of a quantitative and personalised medicine, and to contribute to the enhancement and dissemination of interdisciplinary research with researchers from biomedical disciplines, with the aim of:
- developing original research in the specific fields of bioinformatics, biostatistics and bioimaging;
- support the University's biomedical research through advanced computational tools;
- address complex issues that require the integration of large volumes of omics, clinical and imaging data.
U28 Via Follereau 3 - 20854 VEDANO AL LAMBRO
Other participating University departments
Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication DISCo, Department of Psychology
Scientific Director: Prof. Stefania Galimberti

Description: Best4food is a multidisciplinary centre dedicated to food research and innovation actions. It aims to identify the most suitable strategy to develop sustainable food systems that will support our future and that of the next generations. The food choices we make every day, the decision to eat a certain food rather than another, have profound consequences on our health and well-being and also on that of the environment in which we live. Therefore, food and nutrition strategies and policies have an impact on the promotion and enhancement of biodiversity and environmental resources. All stages of the food life cycle are nowadays strongly linked to the new possibilities offered by ICT. Biological data analysis, Internet of Things applied to the entire food value chain, mobile applications related to food promotion and selection are just examples of the potential use of ICT. The scientific innovation offered by such technologies can contribute to the sustainability of the food production line, to the improvement of new food consumption and to a better food experience for consumers.
Other participating University departments: Department of Economics, Management and Statistics, School of Law, Department of Psychology, Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences, Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa”, Department of Sociology and Social Research, Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication DISCo.
The Interdepartmental Centre in Bioinformatics and Proteomics is active in the development of computer science applications in the biomedical field, in the study of the proteome and of pharmacogenomics.
The School of Medicine and Surgery, the Department of Informatics, Systems and Communication and the Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences participate in the centre's activities.
The Centre pursues the following purposes a) promote and carry out research activities; B) promote and carry out training activities, with particular regard to master’s degrees and specialist training courses, also in partnership with private companies and public bodies; C) promote and carry out industrial research activities, with particular regard to projects presented jointly with companies for co-financing; D) promote participation in European research projects; E) contribute, with the results of its research, to the knowledge, continuous updating and dissemination of the most modern diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines that refer to bioinformatics and proteomics; F) contribute to the enhancement of the intellectual property of the University of Milano-Bicocca in the field of bioinformatics, proteomics and pharmacogenomics; G) promote the start-up of new enterprises, with particular regard to spin-offs
The Interdepartmental Centre for Nanomedicine, NanoMiB, established in 2010, involves the Departments of Biotechnology and Biosciences, Physics, Materials Science, Environmental and Earth Sciences, Medicine and Surgery. The Centre aims to stimulate and promote study and research on topics related to the enhancement of nanomedicine and, in particular, to the application of nanomedicine in the field of materials for biomedical applications, diagnostics, therapy and prevention of human diseases.
Scientific Director: Prof. Massimo Masserini
The Milan Centre for Neuroscience (NeuroMi) (, established in 2014, has as its goal the multidisciplinary study of the functions of the nervous system, the mechanisms underlying brain development and ageing, neurological and psychiatric diseases, and individual and social behaviour. This study is pursued with the techniques of neurobiology, experimental psychology and neuropsychology, cognitive science, information science and quantitative social science. The high clinical specialisation and the basic research technologies and platforms involved in the studies conducted in the Centre are an integral part of it.
This Centre is intended to help achieve a “critical mass” of researchers with different and complementary skills, for a multidisciplinary study of the nervous system in the various ages of life. The Centre also aims to be a point of reference for neuroscience research in the Milan area, thanks to collaborations and specific agreements with prestigious public and private research institutions already existing in the Lombardy region and nationwide.
Scientific Director: Prof. Carlo Ferrarese
Inter-university Research Centres
Since 2001, the Centre has involved the University of Milano-Bicocca, the University of Milan and the University of Pavia.
The Centre aims to promote and carry out pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic research in the field of arterial hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
The Director of the centre is Prof. Guido Grassi.
The purpose of the Centre is to encourage, promote, coordinate and develop theoretical and basic research aimed at characterising the regulatory mechanisms of vascular function from a pharmacological, biochemical and molecular point of view, and to promote and coordinate preventive and epidemiological medicine and clinical medicine interventions in the field of atherosclerotic vasculopathy treatment.
The following Universities are members of the Centre: University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Milan, University of Florence.
Director: Prof. Giorgio M. Biasi
The University of Milan and the University of Pavia are members of the centre.
Director: Prof. Massimo Clerici
Associated Laboratories - Partnership
The Centre is based at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in collaboration with the University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB).
The aim of the centre is the study of the peripheral nervous system (anatomy and its diseases) by means of both pre-clinical and clinical imaging methods and technological innovation within the framework of advanced research protocols.