Technology Platforms and Large Equipment

Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), JPK Nanowizard II scanning probe microscope, for atomic force microscopy on biological samples. Head Prof. Francesco Mantegazza.

Zeiss LSM710 scanning confocal microscope with three spectral detection photomultipliers. The microscope allows high-resolution imaging studies of fixed or live cells and tissue sections, in order to obtain information on the subcellular localisation of proteins and possible protein interactions. Head Prof. Sancini.

R2100/KK 3AOTF confocal microscope. Confocal optical microscope for three-dimensional reconstruction and optical sectioning of samples in fluorescence microscopy. Head Prof. Cavaletti.

Integrated System for the Preparation of Tissue MicroArrays (TMA). The TMA is a system for automatic preparation and analysis of histological TMAs in paraffin. The system allows the complete management, starting from the paraffin block, of all sample preparation procedures, from the automatic coring of the block, to the cutting for section preparation, to the different immunostaining, to the automatic acquisition and reading of slides. Head Prof. Lavitrano.

Nikon Eclipse TE2000-U laser capture microdissection system. Equipment to select tissue or cellular areas of special interest from histological or cytological preparations, through bright-field or fluorescence microscopic examination, with the possibility of recovering the sample in a tube and subsequent extraction of cellular components (nucleic acids, proteins). Head Prof. Leone.

In vivo imaging system in the animal. The tool makes it possible to highlight structures, organs, neoplasms, metastases, and drugs directly in the animal, without the need to sacrifice the animal or remove the part involved in the experiment. Head Prof Cavaletti

PET/CT tomographs, used for both clinical and research purposes, as well as radiochemistry laboratories. In the context of PET activities, the University of Milano-Bicocca has a cyclotron for the production of radio tracers (at Tecnomed Foundation, Head Prof. Gilardi).

Micro-CT: Micro-computed tomography for pre-clinical or ex-vivo imaging (Skyscan 1176). Head Prof. Giuseppe Foti, Prof. Roberto Fumagalli

Cell Sorter MoFlo Astrios Cytofluorometer (Beckman Coulter). The equipment allows the separation of different cell populations (up to 6 simultaneously) from a heterogeneous population on the basis of their physical and fluorescent characteristics. Head Prof. Meneveri/Prof.Bianchi.

FACSCanto Becton Dickinson flow cytofluorometer (BD). Equipped with two lasers, combining 6 colours (corresponding to the emission given by 6 different fluorochromes), it allows quantitative analysis of morphological and functional parameters in vitro and ex-vivo. Head Prof. Cavaletti.

MALDI-TOF UltrafleXtreme Mass Spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics). Mass spectrometer (MS) with high resolving power and sensitivity, equipped with MS imaging technology. Head Prof. Magni.

ESI-UHR-QqTOF Impact Mass Spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics) with high resolution (>40000), mass accuracy (<1 ppm). Head Prof. Magni.

ESI-ion trap Amazon-ETD Mass Spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics), Auto Ms(n) with ETD/PTR (Electron Transfer Dissociation and Proton Transfer Reaction) technology for the determination of post-translational modifications. Head Prof. Magni.

GCQ Mass Spectrometer with EI – CI (Thermo) ionisation and ion trap analyser for ex-vivo metabolism studies in humans. 

NanoUHPLC UltiMate 3000 (Dionex) with flows from 20 nL/min to 2.5 mL/min and pressures up to 1000 bar; NanoEasynLC (Thermo) with flows below 1ul/min. Head Prof. Magni.

Radgil irradiator. Irradiation of small animals for bone marrow transplant experiments - sporadic irradiation of cells. Head Prof. Biondi/Gambacorti-Passerini.

Real time quantum studio 7. This allows simultaneous amplification and quantification of nucleic acids using intercalating agents or fluorescent probes. With this tool, up to 384 samples can be analysed simultaneously. Head Prof. Bianchi.

Oligonucleotide Array-Based CGH-Agilent. Agilent technology uses the G2565BA Scanner for high-resolution 2-Colour Microarray DNA analysis. The Scanner extends the scanning resolution down to 2 microns, offering researchers greater gene density and throughput, useful for the application of a variety of technologies. Head Prof. Angela Bentivegna.

Affymetrix® GeneChip® Microarrays. The Genomics/Transcriptomics platform offers Gene Expression (totRNA and miRNA) and Genotyping (SNPs) analysis services using the Affymetrix system, among the gold standard methods for microarray analysis. The Affymetrix platform allows the analysis of several model organisms in addition to the standard human, mouse and rat arrays. In addition to RNA and DNA genomic analyses, the platform enables PharmacoGenetic analyses for the study of drug-related toxicity using DMET Chips. Head Dr. Maria Foti.

Set-ups for electrophysiology and imaging. Head Dr. Rivolta/Dr. Sancini.

Integrated management system for electromedical equipment and audio/video/data signals. Head Prof. Nespoli.

BRAINLAB VectorVision Neuro navigator. Neuro navigator for brain and maxillofacial surgery with infrared reference field fixed on a 3-pointed headboard. Head Prof. Sganzerla.

Integrated System for Experimental Surgery. This includes an operating table, apparatuses for general anaesthesia for small and large animals, IVUS X-ray apparatus and apparatus for clinical analyses (haemogas, etc.). Head Prof. Lavitrano.