Transalpine Center of Pediatric Sports Medicine and Surgery

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Specific and targeted skills are now required for the treatment of musculoskeletal problems in skeletally immature subjects participating in sports. 

The increase and diversification of sporting activities in the paediatric and adolescent population has led to a significant increase in traumatic pathologies, intra-articular injuries and overload pathologies in skeletally immature subjects. 

The experience gained in the Sports Traumatology Centre within the San Gerardo hospital has increased the knowledge and possibilities of taking care of these pathologies.  In this context, the University of Milan-Bicocca (UNIMIB) and the CHU Grenoble Alpes (CHUGA) in Grenoble have been collaborating for more than three years in increasing clinical knowledge, treatment quality and scientific research in the area of musculoskeletal pathologies of these subjects.

Given the lack of a highly specialised reference centre and the desire to create an international synergy, it was decided to create an international centre for the care of young sportsmen and women.

Thus the Transalpine Centre of Pediatric Sports Medicine and Surgery (Centre Transalpin de Médecine et Chirurgie du Sport Pédiatrique) was born.


The purpose of this centre is to share and optimise a professional exchange (surgeons and trainees in training) with the aim of sharing specific expertise:

o Improvement of patient care in orthopaedics and traumatology in the paediatric and adolescent population
o Optimisation of surgical techniques, in particular arthroscopic techniques for paediatric patients
o Prevention and education within the framework of sports activities at different levels.
o Dissemination and increase in specific skills for coaches and athletic trainers of young sportsmen and women. 
o Research and analysis of intra-articular biological processes specific to the paediatric patient.

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Dr. Marco Turati c/o Ospedale San Gerardo Reparto di Ortopedia 
Professor Marco Bigoni Università degli Studi Milano – Bicocca