Virgilio Program – Excellence In Research Track Upcoming Call for Application – 2020-21

April 6th – 22nd, 2020 at 12.00
Virgilio Program Upcoming Call
Call/Bando for academic year 2020-21: April 6th – 22nd, 2020 at 12.00
Selection dates: May 5 and 7th, 2020 (specific communication will be sent)
Selection Results: May 15th, 2020 
Virgilio Team is pleased to announce the upcoming Call for Application/ Bando for the academic year 2020-21.
The admission is open to internal students enrolled in the 3rd year of the single cycle degree course in Medicine and Surgery Degree at University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Milan and Humanitas, with the following requisites:
- An outstanding record of academic accomplishment:
- to be enrolled for the first time in the 3rd year of the Medicine and Surgery Degree Course;
- to have acquired all the course credits (CFU) planned for the first two years, according to the Course Regulation;
- to have passed all exams as per the Course Regulation, with a passing rate of min. 27/30
- Strong interest in basic and translational research
- English language proficiency.
There are 10 seats available for students from each of the 3 universities – UNIMIB, UNIMI, HUMANITAS- total 30 places.
Application procedure 
The Call for Application will be published on the UNIMIB, UNIMI and HUMANITAS website as well as on the website of Virgilio program ( ). 
Those interested can apply by completing the form that will be shared with the Call along with a motivation letter (max. 2 pages) and send the same at:
Pl note that the application is strictly restricted to only the 3rd year students. 
Final selection will be through an interview with the Joint Selection Committee on 5th and 7th May 2020. Short-listed candidates will receive an email communication regarding the interview time slot. The final selection results (Graduatoria) will be announced by May 15th on the Department of Medicine website as well as communicated via email.
For all concerns & queries:
Dott.ssa Richa Lal, Virgilio Program Manager
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