Milan, June 29, 2023Â
The first graduates of the international and inter-university Master's degree program in English, Medicine and Surgery, a joint degree between the University of Milan-Bicocca and the University of Bergamo, have finally reached their goal. These graduates have been trained not only in medical disciplines but also in bioengineering and technological disciplines.
The Single-Cycle Master's Degree program, based at the University of Milan-Bicocca, was established through collaboration between the University of Milano-Bicocca, the University of Bergamo, the University of Surrey, and Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, which serves as the location for lectures and internships. It is recognized as the Assistance Hub for the University of Milano-Bicocca (Teaching Hospital, according to Regional Decree No. XI_7437_30/11/2022).
On Monday, July 3, 2023, starting at 8:30 AM, the first seventeen students will present and defend their research theses at the University of Milan-Bicocca. These theses are all related to clinical research and have been the focus of the students' final year of training.
Following the thesis discussions, a significant celebration will take place in the Aula Magna of the University, with speeches from the Rector of the University of Milan-Bicocca, Giovanna Iannantuoni, the Rector of the University of Bergamo, Sergio Cavalieri, the General Director of ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII, Maria Beatrice Stasi, a representative from the University of Surrey, the Director of the Department of Medicine and Surgery at Milan-Bicocca, Pietro Invernizzi, and the President of the Coordinating Teaching Council of the Master's degree program in Medicine and Surgery, Maria Grazia Strepparava. Subsequently, the graduates will be awarded a Joint Degree Diploma issued by the University of Milano-Bicocca and the University of Bergamo.