MEDEA Summer School in Sicily - MEditerranean diet, bioDivErsity and functionAl food

Application Deadline 15th March 2020

The application to the 2020 Summer School program - MEDEA - MEditerranean diet, bioDivErsity and functionAl food - are currently open.  

The First Edition of MEDEA Summer School will be held from the 24th to 29th of May 2020 in Catania Area (Sicily). It is a collaboration between the University of Milan-Bicocca as promoter and many Institutions localized in the Eastern part of Sicily around the Etna Volcano. The program will be held around Catania, Sicily. MEDEA is a cultural, scientific and sensorial journey in Sicily, to understand, through lectures and surveys, the cultivation, transformation and tasting of functional food, included in the Mediterranean diet obtained by using organic farming.

The program while last 5 days each one dedicated to a specific thematic area.  

Frontal lectures given by university professors and professionals from different fields will give a modern and up-to-date interpretation of how excellent products have always been at the base of the Mediterranean diet, from their molecular and functional nature, through modern methods of integrated cultivation / breeding , can be proposed today as a healthy and functional food, for a correct quality of life.

Bringing together different teachers to give a global picture, this course will be a mixture of theory, experience and hands on practice. This course aims to give participants an understanding of where we are today, and take home skills that they can apply in their respective area's of work and life.

All days at MEDEA are telling the story of food as a reinterpretation of ancient culture and flavors, for lunch and dinner through sensory experiences told through the myths that formed the Sicilian culture.


1. Ancient grains;
2. Vinification on the slopes of Etna
3. Citrus cultivation and exotic
4. Organic aquaculture
5. Honey and Oil

Rosario Musumeci
Paola Palestini
Emanuela Cazzaniga
Alessandra Bulbarelli
Catania Area, Sicily

15 March 2020

Priority will be given to students participants holding a Master degree, but application by master students is encouraged and will be evaluated on the basis of the applicant motivation and background.

Rete Fattorie Sociali Sicilia Acireale CT
Associazione Culturale "Assapurari"
Stazione Consorziale Sperimentale di Granicoltura per la Sicilia
Requested documents to be uploaded in the application form:
CV, ID card or passport.


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