International Master Course Mountain Emergency Medicine

Application Deadline April 6th 2020
International Master Course Mountain Emergency Medicine

The University of Insubria and the University of Milan-Bicocca offer the second level joint Master’s Degree called “International Master Course in Mountain Emergency Medicine”

With the extraordinary participation of Barmasse Hervè, Biner Gerold, Hackett Peter and many others.

This master is aimed at healthcare professionals, doctors and paramedics, willing to learn mountain emergency medicine and become part of a highly qualified rescue team.

You will aquire and practice the highest techniques of mountain emergency medicine in an international environment. You will learn how to operate at best in difficult conditions, eg. in impervious and/or mountainous environments and in dangerous situations caused by extreme sports practice.

The following requirements are mandatory:

  • post-graduate degree in Medicine and Surgery or equivalent qualification (2nd level graduation) or other qualification obtained abroad deemed suitable;
  • diploma of specialization in Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Emergency Medicine, Emergency Surgery or similar / related specialization and / or work activity in the Emergency-Urgency Unit, Intensive Care Unit, Surgical operating room, mountain and impervious enviroment rescue;
  • health certification of suitability for sporting activities (STRESS ECG);
  • registration to an Alpine Club officially recognized by the UIAA.

Due to the format of the program, the number of participants will be limited to 12 (twelve). The Master will start only once the minimum number of 8 (eight) students and a balanced budget are reached.

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