Corsi di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico
Medicina e Chirurgia

Medicine and Surgery
Uniquely positioned to meet the evolving needs of tomorrow's health care professionals, University of Milano-Bicocca’s School of Medicine and Surgery (SMS) is a Single Cycle Master’s degree program in partnership with University of Surrey (UK), University of Bergamo and the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital that endeavors to prepare graduating physicians for leadership positions in the healthcare sector.
Based in Bergamo, the program has a revolutionary new medical curriculum integrating a rigorous program of basic science education with intensive clinical mentoring right from second year onwards. The program offers a multidisciplinary and inter-professional educational experience fostering an integration of knowledge and skills, open-mindedness, scientific and critical thinking, caring attitude, and a holistic approach to health care needs.

Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria